

Livre 1000 dessins de manga Éditions Vigot chez Rougier & Plé

Livre 1000 dessins de manga Éditions Vigot chez Rougier & Plé

Tu as toujours rêvé de dessiner tes mangas préférés mais sans savoir par où commencer ?<br/>Ouvre ce livre et plonge dans une découverte fantastiquement simple de ce style de dessin !<br/><br/>L'artiste Yishan Li montre à quel point il est facile, en suivant les étapes, de transformer des cercles, des rectangles, des carrés et des ovales en garçons ordinaires et filles extraordinaires (ou l’inverse !), magiciens, monstres, animaux et bien d’autres créatures incroyables.<br/><br/>Personnalise les 130 modèles proposés pour créer ton univers totalement manga !<br/><br/>Auteur(s) : Li Y.<br/>Date de parution : 18/04/2019<br/>Nombre de pages : 144

Dessin Manga et BD chez Rougier & Plé

Benoit Spacher ツ - SOFTEAM

Livre Les personnages : Héros de science-fiction, de comics, de mangas Éditions Vigot chez Rougier & Plé

Le grand livre du dessin Manga

A Guide to Drawing Manga Fantasy Furries: and Other Anthropomorphic Creatures (Over 700 illustrations): Sumiyoshi, Ryo: 9784805317341: : Books

Part human, part animal -- all fantastic! Veteran illustrator Ryo Sumiyoshi stretches the boundaries of fantasy human-animal hybrids in his new book--presenting not just the usual jungle beasties but a fascinating array of strange and unusual creatures found nowhere else! Sumiyoshi's extensive sketchbook ideas, drawing tips and full-color examples combine insights on body structures and movement with conceptual sketches and notes linking physical attributes to personality and behavior.

A Guide to Drawing Manga Fantasy Furries: And Other Anthropomorphic Creatures [Book]

Le grand livre du dessin Manga

Part human, part animal -- all fantastic! Veteran illustrator Ryo Sumiyoshi stretches the boundaries of fantasy human-animal hybrids in his new book--presenting not just the usual jungle beasties but a fascinating array of strange and unusual creatures found nowhere else! Sumiyoshi's extensive sketchbook ideas, drawing tips and full-color examples combine insights on body structures and movement with conceptual sketches and notes linking physical attributes to personality and behavior.

A Guide to Drawing Manga Fantasy Furries: And Other Anthropomorphic Creatures [Book]

Littéra Mulhouse - Rougier & Plé

Dessin Manga et BD chez Rougier & Plé

Part human, part animal -- all fantastic! Veteran illustrator Ryo Sumiyoshi stretches the boundaries of fantasy human-animal hybrids in his new book--presenting not just the usual jungle beasties but a fascinating array of strange and unusual creatures found nowhere else! Sumiyoshi's extensive sketchbook ideas, drawing tips and full-color examples combine insights on body structures and movement with conceptual sketches and notes linking physical attributes to personality and behavior.

A Guide to Drawing Manga Fantasy Furries: And Other Anthropomorphic Creatures [Book]

Fleurus - Scrapmalin

Littéra Mulhouse - Rougier & Plé