

B.C. permanently bans use of rat poison

B.C. permanently bans use of rat poison

B.C. rodenticide ban to become permanent: ministry

Rat Poison Killing Rare Northern Spotted Owls While the EPA, State

B.C. government puts 18-month ban on rodenticides to help protect

B.C. now has strict limits on rodent poisons. But advocates, industry

Letter: Rodenticide bans aren't to blame for rat infestations

Not All Rat Poisons are Created Equal

B.C.'s rodenticide ban could be having unintended consequences

It just has to stop': Okanagan raptor rescue happy to see

Richmond bans rat poison on city property after dead owl found in

Provincial government announces changes to permanently restrict

Raptor rescue group happy to see permanent restrictions on rat

Owl found dead after eating rat poison leaves B.C. woman concerned

B.C. government puts 18-month ban on rodenticides to help protect